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Mind Over TMJ


What is TMJ?

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder.  If you have this you're more than likely to have already sort advice, treatment and exercises from your dentist or an oral surgeon, but nothing is working for!

Keeping it very simple:

TMJ: temporomandibular joint are the two joints connecting your jaw to your skull.  It is supported by a number of muscles.  The joint is a hinge and is used a lot throughout the day, as we would not be able to eat and speak without it.


Why does cause it cause pain?

There are a number of factors that can cause pain. 

1. The muscles are tense

2. Repeatedly grinding teeth

3. Post-operative surgery to the jaw (should recover through the post op stages)

4. Clenching of teeth

What affects will these have?

Muscles tightened and tensed, as we grind or clench our teeth together a lot pressure is put onto the jaw and the muscles.  This causes them tighten not giving us the full range of movement they're used to.

Suffering from anxiety, stress, and/or depression has a very large involvement for TMJD as most people will resort to clenching without realising and/or grinding the teeth in their sleep.

TMJD can cause:



facial soreness

ear ache

limited opening of the jaw

and most of all further stress on the jaw, as the more we worry about this condition the more we clench and cause muscle tightness and pressure.

What we need to do for you.

We need to fully understand you as a person and your lifestyle.

We offer a consultation and this is when we can assess your TMJ and the cause.

We then design you a 4 week program to help you reduce the tension and to learn these muscles to relax.  This is completed by a number of different exercises and Mindfulness.

You would attend our studio once per week.  If you felt you need more one to one support you can have as many weekly sessions as you needed.


We do already have  clients who have benefited from our therapies with positive results.


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